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COVID-19 trip policies

Due to the ongoing pandemic, we have readjusted our trip schedule and policies to keep our trips as safe as possible and ensure the health of all participants

Trip changes:

We have temporarily eliminated overnight trips as it is nearly impossible to maintain social distancing in those environments. Additionally, all trip locations are within Spokane County in order to abide by university recommendations to avoid travel outside of the county.

Transportation Policy:

Due to mandates by the university, we are heavily limited in our ability to provide transport for participants, though we will transport bikes, SUPs, and skis for respective trips. We encourage you to drive yourself or get a ride with a member of your ‘crew’, but will do our best to match you up with a ride if you are unable to find one. When you are traveling to and from trip locations, we ask that you wear masks with the windows rolled down and leave at least one seat in between each passenger empty. Meeting locations will be determined by trip leaders on a case-by-case basis and delivered directly to participants.


Trip Safety:

When on trips with us please maintain 6ft of distance and wear masks if unable to do so. We are excited for the opportunity to lead trips during this time but need your help to keep them safe!

Questions? Contact us at

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