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Want to know how adventurous your adventure is?

This scale will help you find the trip that's right for you!

Check the shape next to the trip on the calendar to find its rating. 


Designed to focus on the experience and not the journey. These trips will have a shorter duration of time for any physical activity, they will be lower in mileage, and most will be a great fit for the entire family. You do not need any previous experience to thoroughly enjoy yourself on these trips. 


Designed for the novice adventurer looking to learn more about the outdoors.  These trips will ease you out of your comfort zone, and teach you some of the basic, essential wilderness skills. No experience is needed to sign up for these trips, but a basic level of fitness will help to make these trips more enjoyable.


Designed for the seasoned explorer as well as the daring novice. Participants on these trips will experience advanced challenges for beginners. You may experience longer hours, higher mileage, greater elevations or rigorous challenges. There is also potential for higher levels of exertion on these trips.


Designed for the veteran outdoors person. On these trips you can expect longer days, more miles, greater challenges, and higher levels of exertion. As with all aspects of Whitworth Outdoors we invite novices on any of our trips. In order to promote safety for all participants and staff, a high level of fitness is encouraged.

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